Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lesson #2

Happy Thanksgiving! gobble gobble

This lesson:

1. we will review the last lesson:

ni hao, wo shi Victoria

ni na?
(your turn)



yes? understand?

2. Last lesson we did the numbers, I need to teach about the liang (3rd tone) ,
when we do numbers, i.e. date and month, or telephone number, we count by 一二三四.........
when we count objects (including counting people), we count by 一个、两个、三个、四个.........

个(ge1) is a quantifier
there are a few different quantifiers for different things (can be objects, people or animals)

e.g. 一只猫 one cat

will talk more about the quantifiers when we get to it in the lessons.

3. This lesson I want to do some more base characters, writing and making simple vocabularies.

人 头 目(眼睛)口(嘴巴)耳(耳朵)手 足(脚)

多 少 大 小 左 右 上 中 下

来 去 出 入 坐 立(站立)走

Let's try to make some vocabularies

e.g. 大人 左手

4. Simple sentences


wo you

we might run into other new vocabularies as we do the sentences, please write those new vocabularies down, with the Chinese characters and pinyin,
e.g. 朋友,女朋友,男朋友,孩子,女儿

also, we will come across the quantifying (quantifiers)words,
e.g. 一个,一只,一位

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lesson #1

Not sure if a blog works as good as a wiki, but let's give it a try.

In this first lesson, I want to cover all the basics

1. Pinyin basics:
a brief pinyin history
review all pinyin initials and finals, the 5 tones
why do we need to learn pinyin?

2. Character basics:
numbers 1-10 review, will work to 100
the basic strokes in writing the numbers
watch the video on the correct stroke order in writing from 1 to 10

Number Writing from victoria bury on Vimeo.

3. Introduce ri 日, yue 月
combine with the numbers, will be able to read, write and say the date up to the month
maybe add the year nian 年

4. Days of the week 星期
Monday 星期一
Tuesday 星期二
Wednesday 星期三
Thursday 星期四
Friday 星期五
Saturday 星期六
Sunday 星期天 or 星期日

5. Today Tomorrow Yesterday
Today jin tian 今天
Tomorrow ming tian 明天
Yesterday zuo tian 昨天

6。shi 是 is (learn and try to recognize the character and be able to write it)
simple sentences using shi
wo shi laoshi
wo shi victoria bury
jin tian shi xing qi tian
ming tian shi xing qi yi
zuo tian shi xing qi liu